
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Stuck in a Moment

I was walking down the Huntington Avenue the other day with tons of voices clashing in my head - that I'm not focusing enough; that my vision toward solving a problem was circumscribed and I'm not looking further; and so on.

Still walking down, I glanced at a gentleman approaching a lady from the opposite direction. They seemed to be  in their mid-forties. There was no sign of emotion when the greeted. He simply held her. Her arms slowly went around his shoulders. His lips gently pressed to her forehead. I saw them standing there motionless for the span of about fifteen steps I took before I walked past them.

I don't know how long they were stuck in that moment.

Current Song:
"Baanigondu elle ellide? Ninnasegelli koneyide? Nidhaanisu Nidhaanisu Nidhaanisu"- from the old Kannada movie Premada Kaanike

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